Date: | June 21 2024 , 6AM IST |
Ground : | Antigua,WestIndies ( No Rain ) |
The previous matches’ scores on this ground | Small ground and pitch is going to be flat. You can see high-scoring event |
Ground and Pitch | The small ground and pitch is going to be flat. You can see high-scoring event |
Live Streaming: | Hotstar and StarSports TV channel |
ODDS | 17 20 Aus favor |
Who will win ?: | Aus 90% chance of winning |
6 Overs score: | Aus – 51 to 57 Bng- 39 to 45 |
20 Overs score: | Aus 185 to 195 BNG 137 to 145 |
Prediction: | The match might become a one-sided affair so careful with your money. Dont invest in Bangla and wait for higher odds. Max odds can go up to 40 paisa to Bangla. |
Dream 11 Fantasy | |
Series Stats: |
Watch this space during the match !!!!
Points table from Cricbuzz

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