Date: | June 24 2024 , 8PM IST |
Ground : | Gros Islet, St Lucia ( 20% rain) |
The previous matches’ scores on this ground | SA 163 vs Eng 156 ,WI 180 vs Eng 181 , WE 218 vs AFG 114, SL 201 vs NED 118 |
Ground and Pitch | The small ground on one side. Wind speed also plays important role during the play. |
Live Streaming: | Hotstar and StarSports TV channel |
ODDS | 77 78 Ind favor |
Who will win ?: | Ind 80 % chance of winning. Odds will come on both sides |
6 Overs score: | Ind – 48 to 55 Aus- 48 to 55 |
20 Overs score: | Ind 165 to 175 Aus 160 to 170 |
Prediction: | Aus is MUST win to qualify. If they lose then Afghanistan can plan for a run-rate match in their final match Will India qualify if it rains? Yes If India wins then they play against ENG in the Semifinals If India loses and Aus goes top in the super 8 points table then India plays the semifinals against SA |
Batsman Scores | |
Last 3 matches Fall of 1st Wicket on this pitch | SA 1-86 , Eng 1-15 WI 1-40 runs, Eng 1-67 runs WI 1-22 runs , AFG 1-0 runs SL 1-0 runs, NED 1-45 runs Wickets might go early in the 1st 6 0vers |
Watch this space during the match !!!!
Points table from cricbuzz

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