Date: | June 23 2024 , 8PM IST |
Ground : | Kensington Oval, Bridgetown, Barbados ( NO Rain) |
The previous matches’ scores on this ground | USA 128 vs WI 130 , Ind 181 vs Afg 134,Aus 201 vs Eng 165 |
Ground and Pitch | There are big boundaries on midwicket and long on and long off. Difficult to score after 6 overs. |
Live Streaming: | Hotstar and StarSports TV channel |
ODDS | 08 09 ENG favor |
Who will win ?: | ENG 90% chance of winning. Match will become one side. Dont invest for USA.Odds will not change too much |
6 Overs score: | Eng – 51 to 57 USA- 41 to 46 |
20 Overs score: | Eng 180 to 190 USA 130 to 140 |
Prediction: | |
Batsman Scores | |
Last 3 matches Fall of 1st Wicket on this pitch | soon |
Watch this space during the match !!!!
Points table from cricbuzz

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